Millions of people across the country will tune in to watch the Super Bowl on Sunday not just for the football action but also for the amazing commercials.
Liam Neeson may act like a total badass when he's in movies like ‘Taken’, but he's not above poking a little fun at his new tough guy persona. The actor appeared in a new Super Bowl commercial for Clash of Clans and delivered a monologue that sounds as if it were taken (no pun intended) from one of his shoot-em-up action movies.
Neo's guide down the rabbit hole, Morpheus, has returned from 'The Matrix' in order to reveal the truth about luxury in Kia's Super Bowl 2014 commercial.
While it's technically not an actual part of the official roster of Super Bowl 2014 commercials, Newcastle's multi-part documentary starring Anna Kendrick and Keyshawn Johnson in the beer company's failure of trying to make an ad for the big game is a huge, hilarious parody of the whole system.
We may have already teased at how epic Arnold's big Super Bowl 2014 ad was going to be, but what actually happens in this commercial goes way beyond anything we were ever expecting from Bud Light.
The Chevy Silverado in this Super Bowl ad has enough power to keep hauling heifers around the country until the cows come home, for a whole lot of lovin'.
Doritos has narrowed their Super Bowl commercial contest down to five finalists, and only two of these hilarious videos are going to make it to the big game.