The Books Buffalonians Love To Read To Their Kids
We were having a discussion on the air this week on Clay and Company about the books that we love to read to our kids. Producer, Rob Banks, recently had a baby boy and he is already six weeks old! Our kids are really growing so fast, as well. As a matter of fact, our oldest just started kindergarten this September.
Kids love when you read to them. In my experience, every time I pull out a book, the kids really enjoy it. They may not stay focused for the entire book sometimes but they still love when I pull out a book and mimic the characters with silly voices.
The Books Buffalo Parents Read To Kids
I am certainly not an expert at parenting. My wife and I have been only doing this for just over five years now. But I strongly believe that it doesn’t matter how old or young your child is, reading to them is one of the most important things you can do.
There have been dozens and dozens of studies about reading the kids and the benefits that they gain from it. It is also a great way to bond with your kids and settle down the house when things may get a little too chaotic.
There is a book drive going on that WYRK and Townsquare Media are a part of again this fall. “Books For Kids” is happening now through mid October. You are asked to buy a book or donate a brand new book that will be given to those who may not have the ability to purchase one.
Books can be donated to Wegman's locations in Erie and Niagara counties, at all Buffalo Public Library locations and Erie County Library locations as well as The Buffalo News.
Here is a great way to give back to your community and also help families with young kids get them the best possible start to their education and future. We love reading books in our house and so do many of our listeners. This list was put together thanks for your support and thank you so much for your support of our annual books for kids drive.
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