This Is A Great Side Business In Buffalo Right Now
Just think about this for one minute. Would you be able to drive kids to school for some extra cash? Would parents be ok with putting their children in the hands of someone that's not a licensed school driver? Well, this has actually been a topic that has been talked about. Right now, there is a school bus driver shortage, and it seems like people are reluctant to apply for the available job openings, for whatever the reasons are. I recently checked out how much bus companies pay and what other benefits are being offered.
How Much Are Bus Companies In Buffalo Paying?
Some of the current postings for bus companies are showing a starting pay of $19 to $27, and they also offer other benefits as well.
A group of my friends recently talked about carpooling kids to school, to help out with the shortage of bus drivers in Buffalo right now. Another one of my friends thought it might be a good business to start right now. Although there is some serious frustration from parents right now over the current bus situation, the thought of someone making money from carpooling kids to school didn't really sit well with some, and others thought that they should give it a try.

As a parent of a school-aged child that I would much rather put on the bus, but under these current conditions, I might consider paying a private company that handles getting kids to and from school. I actually think that business would work right now.
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