WNY Remembers Where They Were On 9-11-01
Like many other people, I'll never forget where I was on September 11, 2001. I was right here in the studio and every year that passes it still seems clear as day.
The morning show was out on their 40 Towns In 40 Days promotion and I was asked to run the board as my first job in radio. It was a huge foot in the door and I was super excited to take it.
Clay was out at Northtown Auto along with his co-host at the time CJ Lee. Dale was on vacation.
Although I remember it being a little chilly, it was a beautiful sunny day. Things were going good. It was a great show. We were getting ready for Battle of the Sexes and that's when the door to the studio opened.
One of the co-hosts of one of our sister stations poked her head in and said that a plane had crashed into the World Trade Center. At that point I didn't think much of it. My mind immediately went to a a small prop plane that had gotten lost or had some technical problem running into a huge sky scraper. I called Clay and passed it on to him anyway.
While I was on the phone with him, the second plane hit. I didn't have a TV in the studio at the time but I could hear the despair in Clay's voice as we tried to figure out if a second plane had actually hit the building or if what he was seeing was a replay of the first.
Life changed after that. There were so many questions. Who did it? Why would anyone want to do something like this to us? Was there more in store? I couldn't stop watching the news.
However, it was so cool to see how our country came together after that. Flags were once again flying on front porches. People were putting stickers on their cars. We could use some unity like that again.
Where were you when the world stopped turning? I asked that question on my facebook page. These were your answers...