You’ll Be Paying More For Electricity Soon
Looks like many of us will be paying more for our electric service soon. National Grid and The State of New York have announced a rate increase that will take effect soon.
According to a story filed by The Buffalo News:
...under the new deal, rates would go up about eleven-percent over the next three-years. The average customer would start off paying a couple of bucks more a month, but that number will be closer to nine-dollars a month by 2020.
Get ready to shell out as much as $105 more a year for your electric service. Now may be a good time to review some energy saving ideas for your home.
There are a few simple things that can help reduce the amount of energy you use in the house. From changing to energy efficient light bulbs to energy saving appliances, thee are a number of ways to prepare for the increase before it gets here.
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This is not set in stone just yet. The Public Service Commission will have to approve any increase and they will meet late winter/early spring.
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