If You Went To Any Of These Chipotles Around WNY Check Your Credit Cards In Case
If you went to any of these Chipotle's in Western New York around this time, just be on the lookout. There was an security incident involving their computer systems and registers that the chain announced in late April.
In their system they found malware designed to access payment data from cards used at some of their locations. No confirmation of any customer credit card info being stolen, but it will be good to keep checking if you did go during Chipotle's breach from March 24 to April 18.
Just be aware and keep looking out for anything fishy.
Here are the locations around Buffalo reported:
1717 Walden Ave. (March 26 through April 18)
4405 Mile Strip Road (March 26 through April 18)
Niagara Falls
1785 Military Road (March 26 through April 18)
1759 Sheridan Drive (March 26 to April 18)
8020 Transit Road. unit 23 (March 26 to April 13)