Governor Hochul is giving out checks to New York State families. Checks either $300 or $500 are coming to households.

  • 8.6 million New York State households would be eligible.
  • In Western New York just under 700,000 people would be eligible.
  • The deposits or checks, however you decide to get paid, will be sent in the Fall of 2025.
  • The idea still needs to get passed here in New York State.
  • Apparently, there was a surplus in taxes taken from the State and now they are offering it back.

Absolutely everything is expensive: groceries, presents for Christmas and more. Everywhere you go you see an increase in price, but not in your paycheck.

Because of inflation, New York has generated unprecedented revenues through the sales tax — now, we're returning that cash back to middle class families,” Governor Hochul said. “My agenda for the coming year will be laser-focused on putting money back in your pockets, and that starts with proposing Inflation Refund checks of up to $500 to help millions of hard-working New Yorkers. It's simple: the cost of living is still too damn high, and New Yorkers deserve a break", according to the New York State website.


Over 50% of New York residents struggle to pay their bills.

United Way of New York City CEO and President Grace Bonilla said, “Governor Hochul’s proposed inflation refund is a critical step in addressing the affordability crisis impacting so many New Yorkers. As highlighted in our True Cost of Living report, 50 percent of New Yorkers struggle to make ends meet.


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