Best 90s Halloween Costumes
There's nothing I love more than a themed Halloween costume party.
My other Halloween costume is distinctly 80's flavored, so I had to come up with something on theme (I mean, you don't HAVE to, but see above when I said "there's nothing I love more than a themed Halloween costume party).
If you're looking for a quick and easy (and easily Amazon Prime-able) costume choice, then do what I did, and go as a student at Bayside High! If you have two other girlfriends to dress up with, you can be the fab trio of Kelly, Jessie and Lisa. Or if you have a guy friend, he can be Zack, Slater, or Screech. This is a great costume for big groups of friends too, and totally 90s.
Beavis and Butthead make for an easy 90s duo costume. All you need are some denim shorts and Metallica and AC/DC T-shirts, and you're good to go! Just perfect the laugh before you go out.
Steve Urkel from Family Matters -- recreate everyone's favorite nerd with a plaid shirt, pants hiked up high, and suspenders. Did you just do that? You sure did.
Aside from TV shows (oooh, Friends makes a good group costume too!), take some inspiration from games and toys of the 90s, including Tamagotchi, Pokemon, and Furby. Check out Pinterest (of course) for more great 90s costume ideas.