Singing Buffalo Police Officers Compete For $1 Million on The Amazing Race
The singing police officers from Buffalo will represent New York State as they run around the world to compete for the $1 million grand prize on the new season of the Amazing Race.
Michael Norwood Jr. and Armonde 'Moe' Badger received national fame when a 2019 video of their singing talents went viral. Now they're going global.
"I told you guys we had some big news coming up, well here it is more details to come stay tuned," Moe announced on his <a href="" target="_blank">Instragram</a>. "January 5th we will be contestants on @theamazingrace representing our great city of Buffalo, New York."
"They did an interview with us via Skype, then they said we want you to come on the show," Badger told WGRZ.
To prepare for the big race, Norwood lost 50 pounds. Badger lost seven. “What I did was mostly watch him,” Badger joked with WIBV.
The CBS reality show took a pit stop during the coronavirus pandemic, but it's back for the 33rd season. To celebrate 20 years of "The Amazing Race," CBS released a preview of the historic 33rd race around the world. You'll see Moe and Michael at the 1 minute 11 mark in the video above.
This isn't the first team from Buffalo to appear on The Amazing Race. Katie and Max Bichler came in second on season 22. There have been a few winners from Upstate New York too. Brennan Swain of Rochester, New York, and her partner Rob Frisbee won the first season and Brent and Josh of Sharon Springs won season 21.
Tune in to Season 33 of "The Amazing Race," which will begin on January 5 on CBS to see if Moe and Michael can bring the win back to Buffalo.