It’s time once again for this week’s Hometown Hero.  The Hometown Hero is brought to you by Keller Chevrolet and Batavia Downs Gaming.  He is originally from Buffalo, NY.  This week’s Hometown Hero is US Army Captain Tony Nash.

Captain Tony Nash is a proud Graduate of Bennett High School 2006 and also graduated from West Point in 2010, graduate of Pathfinder school, US Ranger school, and Airborne. Has had 2 deployments to Afghanistan and is currently stationed at Fort Sill in Oklahoma for Captains Career Course. He’s very into Fitness/Crossfit and weightlifting and a proud member of Team RWB - Nationwide organization that enriches lives of Veterans as well as civilians in physical fitness and social activities. Huge fan of many Buffalo sports teams including the Bills, Sabres, and Queen City Roller Girls. Captain Nash will always call Buffalo home and will be visiting for Christmas and New Year with friends and family.

We hope that his visit is full of family and friends and we are proud to call him our Hometown Hero of the week and thank him for his service to our country!

If you would like see a picture of Captain Nash or to nominate someone to be our next Hometown Hero, click the button below. We will choose a new Hometown Hero each Friday. If their name is chosen, we will not only feature them on, but we’ll be sure to thank them for their service on the air and dedicate the first song on Noon Tunes to them.

Once again, thank you to Captain Tony Nash, our Hometown Hero of the week!

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