COVID-Free Contraption for Trick-or-Treating for Sale on Grand Island
Trick-or-Treating is allowed here in Western New York! So how do you deliver those treats to ghosts and goblins and keep everyone safe at the same time?
Halloween certainly looks different this year. While many people were excited that it was finally falling on a Saturday and we could really enjoy it, coronavirus had another idea of how it would go.
While certain areas are discouraging trick-or-treating in their towns like in Buffalo and Amherst, it is technically still allowed. They are just asking people to take precautions and to be safe.
Some families have begun creating candy chutes from PVC pipes to deliver candy to kids' bags.
According to WKBW, Beth Gavazzi of Grand Island has a different plan. She calls it her "COVID Free Contraption."
To describe it, in a nutshell, it's a board that you can strap individually bagged treats to, so that little trick-or-treaters can still come to her door and get a treat without any contact necessary.
"We brainstormed and said too bad there’s not a way where we could just put something so people could just take what is theirs, so that’s where this concept came from,"
It's a lot like when people used to put out a pumpkin and ask you to "take one," only it doesn't involve little hands that reach in and touch all the candy.
We all know how that used to go though. Were you the kid that actually only took one though? Or did you empty the pumpkin into your bag the second you saw that sign?
She's addressed that too. Her thought about that:
"We got the idea that some kids may take more than one, but that’s okay! It’s all part of Halloween,”
Want a COVID-Free Contraption for your front porch? She is doing this for people local to Western New York. She will make you one if she has time. Message her on Facebook to see if she will still be able to make one in time for Halloween!
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