Cuomo: “We Simply Cannot Stay Closed Until The Vaccine Hits Critical Mass”
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo had his "State of the State" address on Monday morning and gave an update on a variety of important subjects, including an update and long-term outlook on combating the COVID-19 pandemic.
Cuomo said that the state is facing a deficit of $15 billion as they deal with the economic impact of the pandemic. The governor called upon Washington to help the state with his financial situation and said the Federal Government needs to compensate New York on the economic loss because of COVID-19.
Although much of Erie County remains in an orange zone (no dine-in at bars and restaurants) and many other parts of the state remain in cluster zones, Cuomo recognizes that this cannot stay the way it is much longer.
"We simply cannot stay closed until the vaccine hits critical mass, said Cuomo. The cost is too high. We will have nothing left to open. We must reopen the economy, but we must do it smartly and safely.
Roughly 90 restaurants and bars in Western New York are currently part of a lawsuit against the state to try and reopen. New York State Supreme Court Judge Nowak said he will make a decision on the case this Wednesday, since no comprimise was made by the state.