Shocking Kids Toy Sold at Ontario Walmart Sings About Drugs, Swears in Polish
Imagine being a grandmother and buying a nice toy for your grandchild from Walmart, only to find out that it is singing about inappropriate things in Polish. One Canadian grandmother did just that. The woman from Brampton, Ontario purchased a singing cactus toy from Walmart's website. The toy was sold as "educational" and sings songs in English, Spanish and Polish. As it turns out, the grandmother speaks Polish and was shocked to hear the cactus singing about cocaine and swearing.
The toy uses a rap song by Polish artist Cypis, who said he didn't know the song was being used in the toy. He plans on filing suit against the Chinese manufacturer of the dancing cactus.
The grandmother, Ania Tanner, spoke to CTV News Toronto about the toy, saying,
This toy uses swear words and talking about cocaine use. This is not what I ordered for my granddaughter. It just so happens that I am Polish and when I started to listen to the songs and I heard the words. I was in shock. I thought what is this some kind of joke?
Even though there were complaints about the toy's inappropriate lyrics going back five months, Walmart only recently pulled the cactus from its website. Walmart told CTV News Toronto.
These items are sold by a third-party seller on our marketplace website. We are removing the items while we look into this complaint further.
It does appear that the singing cactus is still available on Amazon.
Credit: CTV News via Youtube

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