Dispose of Household Waste for FREE This Weekend – Details
It's finally here! It was announced in April that Erie County would be hosting a waste disposal event and the time is finally here! Not all of the items that you clean out in your house and garage can be set on the curb for normal pick up. A lot of it is hazardous and shouldn't be in a landfill. Erie County has set up two days over the Spring/Summer where you can take these hazardous materials a drop them off for proper disposal for FREE!
- June 2nd - Lot 3 across from New Era Field between 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
- Aug. 11th - Erie Community College North Campus between 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Erie County is asking that you enter from Abbott Rd (3978 Abbott Rd) and allow yourself at least one our for your items to be unloaded.
Items to dispose at drop off sites per erie.gov:
- motor oils
- gasoline
- antifreeze
- brake & transmission fluids
- oil-based paints (no latex based paints)
- paint strippers and thinners
- spray paints
- kerosene & other solvents
- pesticides
- fertilizers
- pool chemicals
- Rechargeable Batteries: nickel cadmium, nickel-metal-hydride, lead-acid (auto/truck/boat/motorcycle/tractor), lithium, lithium-ion, and button (watch/calculator) batteries. For year-round battery disposal information, visit Call2Recycle.org.