Erie County Fair Steer Auction [Photos]
It'll be a busy afternoon in the Showplex building behind the Erie County Fair Grandstand. The 4-H/FAA Market Steer Auction gets underway Saturday at 1:00. Once again Clay Moden will donate his time to help out with announcements during the auction.
- Fair rules require all steers must weight at least 1,000 lbs. at weigh in.
All steers must be housed in the 4H beef barn throughout the fair.
Exhibitors must be able to lead and control their animals at all times. Those who cannot may be asked to take their animal home.
The livestock judging is at 7:00 Saturday night again in the Showplex building.
I took a walk thru the barns on Friday night to see what was going on and talk to some of the animal owners. Check out my gallery of photos: