Hopefully, you have been able to keep up with the falling leaves and sticks lately? The fall is here and the colder air is about to move in. But before we get to the snow, the rain is coming and it could be heavy at times. Now is the time to check those gutters and drains.

It is hard to believe, but there are less than two weeks until we get to Halloween. Over the next few days, the forecast is going to go from nice to miserable as the rain arrives AGAIN for the weekend.

I was watching Early Today on NBC this week and they reported that some of the areas from Central New York to Albany are under a slight risk for floods.

I am a stickler for cleaning up leaves in gutters and drains. Just cleaning out the gutters on your house can help prevent water from getting in your basement or creating damage to your roof when the frosty air moves in.

You better get out there before Friday and clean up some of the leaves if you can.

There are portions of Utica that are already making some changes to help prevent flooding in the future.

200-Year-Old Mansion For Sale in Western New York

This 200-year-old mansion in Buffalo is for sale. It features a gigantic indoor swimming pool.

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Gallery Credit: Brett Alan

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