I don't know about you, but whenever I see a friend or neighbor break out their ladder, I get a little nervous - especially if they've got a saw with them.

The other day, I couldn't take my eyes off a man in my neighborhood who climbed up his wobbly ladder at least 6 feet off the ground, and proceeded to saw off some tree branches RIGHT next to a power line. I stopped everything I was doing, and, with my phone tightly gripped in my hand, said a little prayer while getting ready to call the paramedics.

Thankfully, he (and I) survived the ordeal, but sheesh... WHY put yourself through a situation like that?

Heinz Tree and Land Services have the knowledge, experience, and equipment to trim or remove trees and grade and clear land. This local small business, owned by Dylan and Jordan Heinzeroth, has a 5-star rating on Angi's List and is accredited by the Better Business Bureau. They serve all of Niagara County and the northern portion of Erie County.

Plus, Dylan has more than 10 years of experience in the tree industry. Just look how his team improved this lake view out at Lake Ontario:

Heinz Tree and Land Services via Facebook
Heinz Tree and Land Services via Facebook

So whether you need some help clearing trees damaged in a storm or are planning a larger land-grading project, you can trust Heinz Tree and Land Services. Call them at 716-545-8588 or visit heinztreeandland.com.

Dylan and Jordan Heinzeroth. heinztreeandland.com
Dylan and Jordan Heinzeroth. heinztreeandland.com

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