How To Make A Fortnite Reese’s Pinata Birthday Cake
Over the weekend I went into the kitchen with the goal to make an epic Fortnight-themed cake, and the results were awesome.
I have a history of making ridiculous birthday cakes for kids. You can check out my collection here.
For a pinata cake, what you need is a taller cake that gives you enough space to make a cut out in the inside layers to fill with candy and sprinkles -- that's what makes it a pinata cake -- when you cut into it, all the candy falls out. Like this!
Here's how to do it: I made four layers of cake (using Wilton's cake recipe). You can use whatever cake recipe you like, but since you're cutting out a hollow core, using a denser cake will give you the ability to stack tall cakes without worrying it will collapse.
I cut out a hole in the center of each of the bottom three layers, leaving the top layer intact. Then stack and frost the cakes -- I love using ganache, but buttercream works well too. This time around I used a different method of making ganache, using water instead of cream (check out the tutorial here -- I get that it sounds like it would never work (usually water would cause chocolate to seize -- it absolutely works, trust me and watch the video to see the technique).
Water ganache worked really well especially since parts of this cake required making a peanut butter ganache and a white chocolate ganache -- fun fact, these "chocolates" contain no actual chocolate ("real" chocolate contains cacao). Because of this, you'll use a smaller amount of water (or cream, if you prefer).
I frosted the cake alternating with layers of peanut butter and chocolate ganache, and filled the hollow core with Reese's Pieces and sprinkles. I frosted the outside with chocolate, and then did a "drip" trim.
Drip cakes are super trendy now, and the good news it that achieving the effect is easy. I used a spoon to drip the blue ganache (made with white chocolate and gel food coloring) along the edge of the cake. Consistency is key here -- the ganache should be liquidy enough to drip, but not runny -- also if your cake is refrigerated for a bit before hand, the drips will solidify quicker, giving you those great thick drip lines on the cake. You can see how it's done here.
After the drip trim hardened (that should only take 5-10 min to happen), I filled in the top of the cake with the remaining peanut butter ganache, and sprinkles.
To make it Fortnite themed, I used food coloring to dye the cake batter in a teal, purple, pink and white (all Fortnite colors), and put a Fortnite loot chest (picked that up in the toy section) on top filled with Reese's Pieces.
Now you're all set! Cut and serve and enjoy the reactions you'll get from this beautiful cake!
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