Open Letter To People Who Don’t Know How To Merge In Construction Zone
As we move from Winter to Spring here in Western New York there is another "Season" that is almost upon season.
Drive Home With Dave Fields Every Afternoon from 3-7pm on 106.5 WYRK
Now is the time that you will start to see more and more roadwork being done across the highways and byways of Western New York. One of the most frustrating things about construction is the fact that people don't know how to properly merge in a construction zone.
So to all those drivers that have no idea how to merge properly...Here is what you need to do. The Zipper Merge!
While you are stuck on the highway and there is a lane closure, the most annoying thing someone can do is wait to the last second to merge. You know you see them zoom by and then merge at the very last minute all while you are stuck in the long line.
But new studies show that late mergers are doing it right!
When people merge too early, they are creating a single long, slow line of traffic that's not only frustrating for drivers but also minimizes the amount of usable road and can cause accidents.
What you should be doing is called "Zip Merger". Basically, it lets drivers use both lanes right up to the construction point and keeps the flow of traffic moving faster and reduces the length of the line.
Yes...I know it can drive you crazy to see someone zoom by you in the lane and merge at the last second, but in reality, those drivers are saving you time. So instead of trying to block those people or not allow them in, you are only making your wait longer.
So, next time you have to merge, use all the space you can and merge only when you have to.
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