They're often referred to as the "deadliest animals on earth." So naturally we want to protect ourselves from them.  Will these products help?

We're talking about mosquitos and this is prime time for them.  You may have already spent some time around a campfire this year and woken up to an ankle full of bug bites.  So how do we keep them off of us?

Why are mosquitos considered the "deadliest animals on earth?"

Yes, they can be even more deadly than sharks, hippos, or snakes.  According to A-Z Animals, the tiny insects have been known to kill between 750,000 and one million human deaths per year.

Their bites barely hurt.  They'll itch for a while, but normally you don't even know that you've been bitten right away.  But the diseases that they carry are what makes them so deadly.  They've been known to carry malaria, dengue fever, and the West Nile and Zika viruses.

How do you keep from being bitten by a mosquito?

There have been tons of studies on how to keep mosquitos from biting you.  They've come up with everything from not sweating to not drinking beer before you sit outside.

There are always sprays and lotions that you can wear that will deter them, but none of them are 100% effective every time.

There are also electric mosquito repellants. But do they work?

Can you do anything after you've been bitten by a mosquito?

This is another thing that companies have been trying to develop.  There are patches that you can put over the bite, they've got creams and sprays to soothe the bite, even venom suction tools to pull the venom from your body?

But again, do they work?

If you're tired of trying to spray every inch of your body in bug spray before you can sit outside for any period of time, check out these products to see if they work.

Do These Mosquito Products On Amazon Really Work?

6 Homemade Mosquito Repellent Sprays New Yorkers Need This Summer

Warmer weather is on the way and that means you are going to be outside more often which is great unless, of course, the mosquitos are out as well. 

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