New Traffic Light On Transit Road Is Annoying To Area Residents
If you have driven down Transit Road at all in the past couple of days, you may have noticed that there is a brand new traffic light that is up, but not running just yet and people were TICKED on Facebook.
It is directly outside of the brand new Delta Sonic that was built early last year in Lancaster. The traffic light is now an access point for the new Delta Sonic, the Kohl's + Sephora, and the WellNow, which all have connecting parking lots. National Grid was working on making the light active this week and you can expect the light to be operating sometime in mid-march.
There are 2 sides to this, though:
People on Facebook were mad that another business received a traffic light that is going to slow down traffic. Their reasoning is understood because that is really one of the longer stretches of Transit Road without a light to stop everyone. The people that are mad on social media pointed out that there are traffic lights for all of these new businesses on Transit Road in the West Seneca, Lancaster, and Depew areas including Tim Horton's, Wegmans and Walmart, and now Delta Sonic. Some of the lights are on timers and not on sensors too, which could be annoying. For example, you could be waiting on Transit Road at a stoplight at 10 pm because it is active for a Tim Horton's that is not even open.
You can understand people's frustration, but it IS keeping people safe. Also, if you live in the neighborhood and you are trying to make a left-hand turn it is ABSOLUTELY impossible during rush hour. Well, not impossible, but you know what I mean.
Where would you say is the worst traffic light to wait at in Western New York?
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