New Way You Have To Take To Get To Riverworks
You know the bridge you have to go over to get to Riverworks if you're coming off of the 190? The one you have to go over to get to General Mills? It didn't pass an inspection so, it will be upright and worked on for months.
The bridge itself hasn’t been rehabbed in over 50 years and a recent inspection by New York State discovered the massive cables, which lift the bridge so large boats can pass in the Buffalo River, are seriously compromised
The city now needs 72 steel cables of more than 100 feet long in a job that make take six months", according to WIVB.
Now, cars can make the left at the bridge and go all the way around BUT trucks are not allowed. Here is the direction cars have to take. The star is the bridge that is closed and this path will lead you all the way to Riverworks or Silo City.