Queen City Pop-Up Returns to Buffalo
The summer is here! The City of Buffalo has brought back another popular summertime feature. The Queen City Pop Up!
Queen City Pop-Up, launched in 2014, is downtown’s first pop-up retail program designed to encourage retail activity along Main Street by creating new “pop-up” shops that feature local retailers. The program brings vibrancy to empty storefronts by filling them with retailers on a short time basis, free of charge, and lets retailers test their product in the downtown marketplace.
Shopping in downtown this summer? Keep an eye out for Baskets by Ms. Regina (gift baskets), Najah Sauces and Ten Thousand Villages, selliing a variety of items from around the world.Open until September 1st.
The Queen City Pop Up market is located at 403 Main St. across from Lafayette Square. The space was sponsored by Brisbane Realty Associates LLC.