Should Your Financial Situation Allow You To Get Break On Speeding Ticket?
NYS Assemblyman Patrick Burke has proposed a new bill called the Traffic Ticket Relief Act, which he says would help those in a bad financial situation.
To be clear, it's not letting them go because they can't simply pay or will have a hard time, but it will give some hearing officers the ability to build a payment option so, late fees and fines don't accumulate simply because they are having a tough time and cannot pay a larger fine all at once. According to WGRZ:
The bill, if passed, would essentially grant hearing officers statewide some authority they currently don’t have; to reduce or eliminate fines, or work out an installment plan for those who are unable to pay all at once.
“It gives flexibility so that a hearing judge can give people the flexibility they may need to pay their fine. Right now they (hearing officers) can’t do that,” he said.