Buffalo winter

Buffalo's Winter Bucket List
Buffalo's Winter Bucket List
Buffalo's Winter Bucket List
With the snowfall over the past few days, it's time to admit it to ourselves; winter is here. But here are some things to do to enjoy winter in Buffalo.
Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let's Make Snow?
Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let's Make Snow?
Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let's Make Snow?
It's that time of the year. Where every day you know it could be there, you know it could show up, but it hasn't. Yet. Ready or not, as Ned Stark was fond of saying, "Winter's Coming." Even though the weather forecasters can't tell you exactly when, we all know it's not a matter of IF, but rather WHEN we get snow. If all the co...
Soups On!
Soups On!
Soups On!
Aside from a few really cold days and a couple of snow days, this Buffalo winter hasn't been all that brutal. But, its still winter and it's still soup weather! Cold temps and snowy days call for soup so why not check out the 2017 Buffalo Soup-Fest Saturday (1/28/2016) at the Buffalo-Niagara Convention Center...