You have been wondering since March if the Disney Store at the Fashion Outlets of Niagara Falls would survive the slow economic rise post pandemic, but it does not look like it will make it.
A few weeks ago, patrons and employees alike found out that Friendly's restaurants across Western New York had closed with a note on the door. Today, another restaurant has done the same thing.
In the recent past years retail stores started staying open, or opened early, on thanksgiving day to get a head start on Black Friday shoppers. This year that's changed! Retailers seem to be going back to the old traditions and keeping their doors closed.
By no means is Buffalo, NY on a shortage of places to go out to eat, but these joints are surely a shame that they are not still around. Let me tell you if I ever find the person that took Swiss Chalet out of Buffalo, I will have some words (lol, kidding)...