If you're looking at that headline and thinking that suicide could never impact your life, please click through and learn more. That's what I thought too...
If you're looking at that headline and thinking that suicide could never impact your life, please click through and learn more. That's what I thought too...
If you're looking at that headline and thinking that suicide could never impact your life, please click through and learn more. That's what I thought too...
Update: I wrote this five years ago and post it each and every year on the anniversary of his death. For years, I've done this for me. This year, I post it for you. I want you to know the signs. I want you to be aware of what people may be going through. I want you to avoid feeling how I do when I read it myself. Please take the time to care for one another.
May 13th, 2008. It was just a
The holidays are supposed to be a happy time. They're a celebration! So why do people feel so sad when they come around? There's a lot that can factor into a person's mental well being. But did you know there are habits that you can avoid that might just make you a little happier?
You’ve probably heard of the Great American Dust Bowl. It wiped out thousands of farming families from Texas, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Colorado and New Mexico forcing them to pull up stakes and head west to California where things weren’t too much better during the height of the depression.
It was all ...
Today is Blue Monday. The nickname comes from a theory that pegs the third Monday of every January as the most depressing day of the year. Funny, I had no clue today was blue Monday but this morning I did feel down right blue, I just blamed it on the frigid temperature.