Have you ever wondered if it's illegal to flash your lights on your vehicle to warn other drivers about deer? Let's dive into New York law on this topic.
If you're one of the millions of Americans planning to head home for the holidays, get ready to endure some nightmarish travel conditions, especially in New York State.
Everyone thinks that the worst drivers in the world are right in their city. But it turns out that some of the best drivers are right here in Western New York.
Prayers going to the driver of this tractor trailer that got in an accident on Thursday night. It was a very scary sight to see as the tractor tipped over the guard rail. The tractor was completely filled with poo.
The accident happened right on the 90 by Ransom Road in Lancaster.
We have all been there before. We are in a hurry. We didn't leave the house in time. You finally get on the road, only to end up behind some farm equipment.
It's a stretch of road that many of us in Western New York Drive every day. Now, some people are calling for the installation of guard rails on the 219.