
In Emails
In Emails
In Emails
Most of us have to deal with emails every day.  Most of us wish we didn't.  Although it is a good way to communicate, there are certain things that you find in email that you just don't find in real life.  So what would it be like if people at work actually talked like they do in emails?
A Day Without The Internet [VIDEO NSFW Language]
A Day Without The Internet [VIDEO NSFW Language]
A Day Without The Internet [VIDEO NSFW Language]
What would life actually be like if the internet went away.  We've become accustomed to getting up, checking facebook, maybe sending some emails, and having information about each other's lives right at our fingertips.  What if the internet couldn't help us with that anymore?  What would life be like?  Here's one person's guess at how it might go.