A 9/11 Tribute You Have Never Seen [VIDEO]
A 9/11 Tribute You Have Never Seen [VIDEO]
A 9/11 Tribute You Have Never Seen [VIDEO]
I realize that the tenth anniversary of 9/11 has come and gone, but we Americans need to make sure we never forget that day. My friend Kimberly Clayton Jones of Nashville sent me this beautiful 9/11 tribute video and I just had to share it with you...
ESPN Envisions a White Michael Vick [PICTURE]
ESPN Envisions a White Michael Vick [PICTURE]
ESPN Envisions a White Michael Vick [PICTURE]
ESPN The Magazine has dedicated its entire football preview issue to controversial QB Michael Vick, including a feature which poses the question, “What if Michael Vick were white?” It’s complicated, concludes the thought piece’s author, Touré. What’s also complicated is the status of the article’s photo — a digital rendering of Vick as a white man — on ESPN’s website.