Gary Levox

Gary Levox Did Not Co-Write “She’s Going Places”
Gary Levox Did Not Co-Write “She’s Going Places”
Gary Levox Did Not Co-Write “She’s Going Places”
Following the Casey Anthony trial, there was a song that made big waves around the country as a tribute to Caylee Anthony. We reported on the Breakfast Club that Caylee'sFamily wanted to meet Gary LeVox of Rascal Flatts and thank him in person for such a great song. Turns out LeVox did not have any involvement in the tribute song.
Listen to Caylee Anthony Tribute Song by Rascal Flatts’ Gary LeVox
Listen to Caylee Anthony Tribute Song by Rascal Flatts’ Gary LeVox
Listen to Caylee Anthony Tribute Song by Rascal Flatts’ Gary LeVox
The story makes me sick. Casey Anthony is not innocent and it bothers me just knowing the jury let her go. I'd love to have a word or two with them. I mean, come one, it’s clear as day she killed her two year old daughter, Caylee. Casey Anthony lied to investigators, made up fake people in her story and went out after her daughter's death. Great job, jury. In light of it all though, Rascal Flatts'

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