The Buffalo Bills are going to the playoffs! But it's been are a list of things we hadn't ever heard of the last time they were in the post season.
How sweet is this? Now, it better work because I'm excited now. Any handy person who does home remodeling or drywall will love this thing.
It costs about $250, but this device plugs into your cellphone and it is nearly an x-ray of what is behind your walls...
Selfie sticks became popular a few years ago but have since become a thing of the past. They’re bulky and an extra thing to carry just in case you get a chance to use it. Many places have banned them. But now, one inventor has created a way to avoid carrying that extra stick and still get that perfect selfie.
Let’s be honest,...
"Hey man, did you see that play last night? It was incredible!"
"No, I missed it. My beer was blocking my view."
I don't think I've ever had this problem. But if you have, there's a product for you!
Once in a while you'll see these sweet ideas on the crowdfunding sight, Kickstarter. This weekend saw the Android Shell – a laptop dock that aims to turn any Android smartphone into a full-fledged computer surpass its goal and raise over $1 million.
This is genius!
Think about how the snow loads into the front of your snowblower as you push it down your driveway. It has that spiral thing in the front that you see help collect the snow. That's called the auger. Now, this is what a shovel with an auger would look like and do...
An 18 year old kid started up a science project years ago to create the world's safest gun. His name is Kai Kloepfer and he thinks he may have done it.