You've dreamed of retiring for years. You even know where you'll move to. But would you believe the best place to retire in NY is here in Western New York?
If you or someone you know is reaching that point in life where it’s time to decide on where to settle down for the golden years, there is a spot that’s much closer to home, that was recently ranked the “Best City to Retire In” in New York State. And that city may just surprise you.
So many people have dreams of retiring and going somewhere warm to live out the rest of their days. But a new study says we've got a perfect place here in WNY!
He has been in the NFL for 9 seasons and now he's calling it quits. Marshawn Lynch says he is stepping away from football...and this time it's for good.
It would be another blow to the Buffalo Bills to find out that not only do they need a center to replace Eric Wood, but also a new guard to replace Incognito.
When many people think about retiring, they often think about heading south where it's warm and you don't have to shovel snow. But this list says you might want to give the north east a try.
New York is not the worst state for retirement, it's not exactly the best either. put out a report of the best and worst states for retirement. Some of the factors in where to retire go beyond the sunniness and closeness to water. The fact...
Data compiled for the fiscal year ending in March of this year shows that 2,931 retirees from state and local government positions in New York are earning more than $100,000 in annual pensions.