$1000 Checks Coming To Residents In New York?$1000 Checks Coming To Residents In New York?Soon New Yorkers will be running out to grab the mail. Dave FieldsDave Fields
Tax Rebates Now Arriving In The Mail For New York HomeownersTax Rebates Now Arriving In The Mail For New York HomeownersIf you registered for New York STAR, then be on the look out in your mailbox for some money.Ed NiceEd Nice
$778 STAR Checks Coming From New York State$778 STAR Checks Coming From New York StateThere is confirmation that by mid-September, the New York State Star checks will be mailed out to eligible homeowners. The average check statewide is $778 for the Basic STAR check and $1,407 for Enhanced STAR.Rob BanksRob Banks
Important New York State Tax Deadline Is ApproachingImportant New York State Tax Deadline Is ApproachingHomeowners need to act fast to make sure they're enrolled in this popular tax programEd NiceEd Nice
State Tax Rebate Checks Are Coming Early In New YorkState Tax Rebate Checks Are Coming Early In New YorkThis one-year special tax rebate is for homeowners Ed NiceEd Nice