
Disney Shops To Open Up Inside Of Targets
Disney Shops To Open Up Inside Of Targets
Disney Shops To Open Up Inside Of Targets
In a weeks, Disney and Target are teaming up to open Disney shops inside of select Targets across the country to test them out. The first "shop-in-shop" locations will open October 4 this year and then another wave will come a few months afterwards...
Target Ball Rolls
Target Ball Rolls
Target Ball Rolls
"Oh My God, you just got hit by the Target big red ball!" You know those big giant concrete balls that are in the front of Target? Well, one of those suckers got loose and they weigh A LOT--2 tons to be exact. A truck gets it loose and then it eventually starts rolling through the parking lot hitting a car...
Brunch Flavored
Brunch Flavored
Brunch Flavored
Candy corn is a love it or hate it kind of thing.  Personally, I'm a fan.  I love candy corn.  But what if it was brunch flavored?  Would you want to eat it then?

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