The idea of not flushing the toilet when you pee may sound gross, but there are benefits to be had by following the old adage, "If It's yellow, let it mellow"
You've been there before. You have about 6 hours available on a Saturday afternoon to tackle one of those projects on your "to do" list. So you pick one. It seems small enough to get done in that amount of time. Then when you start's so much bigger than it should have been.
There are few things to look forward to when you’re at work. Sometimes, a little quiet time in the bathroom is just what you need to make it through the rest of your day
Not sure if I could even try this cake! LOL, seems like Carolyn has a twisted sense of humor! Check out the cake she ordered for Luke's birthday! Can you imagine taking this order! You want what?
For years we have heard people say that they wanted to build a better mousetrap, but what about a better toilet? It is estimated that 2.6 billion people in the world do not have a proper toilet. And the majority of the developing world does not have a flush toilet...
Where have I been? I am so ashamed. Apparently it was announced last October, but I didn't know about it until I saw the commercial for it the other night on TV. Toilet paper is going TUBELESS!