The Nice Weather Sets Off A Chain Of To-Do Lists For Brett
I don’t know about you but for me, when the weather finally gets nice in Buffalo, I want to get everything done all at once. It’s like major over stimulation.
I want to do this and this and THIS! It's like an attention deficit disaster. Here’s how bad it was for me yesterday.
The weather was incredible to be outside. So I thought it was a great day to get a jump on cleaning the garage. I headed out as early as I could. I didn’t even eat breakfast. And it started…
While organizing the garage, I found a few extension cords that belong in the barn. So I took them over to the barn.
While putting the extension cords in the barn, I realized that the work bench was still a mess from the last time I used it. I had the time, I should organize that.
While organizing the work bench, I came across a bag of grass seed. It was a good day to get that in the ground. So I grabbed my rake and the bag of seed and headed out to an empty spot in the lawn where we had a pine tree taken down. As I was raking up the dirt there, I realized that I hadn’t raked out the flower beds last fall. I should do that.
While I’m raking out the flower beds (and the grass seed is still sitting in the lawn) I think to myself that I should take all the old weeds behind the house and dump them. Oh…but there’s that pumpkin still sitting in the basement that still needs to be buried back there too. I better get that.
While I’m in the basement, I find the coolers that need to be put in the garage.
While putting the coolers in the garage, I can’t help but think…wasn’t I doing something out here?
Good luck getting your to-do list all set as the nice weather is upon us.