There’s Going To Be a Severe Outbreak Of This Insect in WNY
It’s the second week of June and if you’ve looked at the weather forecast, that means warm temperatures are here to stay for the next few months. Summer is my favorite season in Buffalo, but the warm temps also mean more bugs.
This summer, Western New York and New York State can expect a severe outbreak of one pesky insect — the worst outbreak, in fact, in 15 years.
According to WKBW, gypsy moths have begun attacking Western New York and it’s believed to be the first severe outbreak of them in 15 years.
New York DEC Research Scientist, Jerry Carlson says the moths will attack trees with their caterpillars and strip them of their leaves.
“It’s going to be another two or three weeks and yes, your oak trees will get stripped of their leaves if the population gets big enough, but those oak trees will produce new leaves,” Carlson said.
If you’ve planted fruit trees, such as apple trees, you should check them regularly, since gypsy moths love to attack fruit trees. Scrap off clusters of the insects and set traps to keep your plants safe.
Unfortunately, the worst of the Gypsy moth outbreak will likely happen in July and August, which will depend on egg mass.
These bugs sound like a huge nuisance. I’ve seen a ton of gnats and mosquitoes the last two weeks as well. It’s shaping up to be a pesky bug season in Western New York.