There is some big news for schools across New York State. As the summer begins, there are some big upgrades planned.

There is nothing like being a kin in the summer. Once the final school bell rings and the doors open, it is a feeling of freedom that is hard to replace. The days seem longer and the fun never seems to end!

As kids are at camp this summer, or on that family road trip, crews might be hard at work making some tweaks and changes to the facilities at the school they attend.

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There are reports from New York State's Governor that a large chunk of money has been set aside for schools. Governor Hochul posted the news on "X", formerly Twitter, that the changes will be taking place soon at educational facilities across the Empire State.

In the post on "X", it was noted by Governor Hochul that, "By funding renovations and technology updates, we’ll create better learning environments and give students the tools they need to thrive in the classroom".

I remember one summer that they painted the walls and gym floor at our school. I will never forget that smell of fresh paint that seemed to linger for the entire school year. No matter where I am, when I smell paint, it takes me back to the elementary days.

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