This Is The Biggest Turn Off For People From New York
We all have them, there is no denying it. Some things just rub us the wrong way and now we have them in a database for each state. There is a new sating app called HATER that is trying to capitalize on that. Instead of finding people who share your likes, let's find someone who shares your dislikes. It's simple, input your dislikes and they'll match you with your common hater. From the app they have compiled the biggest "turn offs" for each state.
In New York the biggest turn off or dislike seems to be Times Square. Even if you've never been to New York City you can understand why that would be so disliked. It's a huge tourist spot that is probably almost always packed. It would be interesting to see what the biggest turn off would be if they took New York City out of the equation. Taxes, Tolls, Winter? The options are limitless.
Some other notable dislike for states were:
Texas- Sleeping with the window open
California- Fidget Spinners
North Dakota- Tapas
Idaho- Asking For Directions
See the full list of states and dislikes HERE