Are you in need of a job?  If you are...listen up!

According to a survey that was given to hiring managers and company supervisors showed that more than 3/4 of those polled feel that answering a cell phone or a text message definitely leaves the boss with a really bad impression.

Be enthusiastic!  It's very important to show enthusiasm, even if you are not that excited or interested in what is being said.  75% of the managers polled say...... they are unlikely to hire an individual who appears disinterested in the job.

Wardrobe is key too!  More than 70% are less inclined to offer a person a position if they aren't dressed appropriately!

72% say appearing arrogant is also a big interview mistake.

2/3 of those polled are turned off when an applicant trashes their current or past employers.

63% say don't chew gum


(Metro Source)

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