Total eclipse of the moon...If you just asked, "Isn't there a song about that?" then you're going to want to continue reading.

First of all, you were thinking "Total Eclipse of The Heart" and it's not at all the same thing.  A total lunar eclipse takes place when the moon passes behind the earth and is then blocked from the sun's rays.  In other words, the earth, moon, and sun have to all be aligned exactly.

Something cool about this eclipse (if we can see it at all through the clouds) is that the moon won't disappear but rather should have a bit of a red hue to it.

Eclipses come in cycles and normally there are about 2 lunar eclipses each year.  But total lunar eclipses are much more rare.

If somehow the clouds clear out for us tonight, we should be able to start seeing the eclipse around 1:30 am Tuesday morning

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