Want to get out of work on time today? Don’t forget to schedule this in…
Want to get out of work on time today? Don’t forget to schedule this in…
You’ve been there. You get up, you’re on the edge of a three day weekend. You just have to get through today as efficiently as possible…you’ve got it planned out. 30 minutes to formulate your proposal here, 10 minutes for coffee here, a little time to clean up before you head out the door and you’re off…right? Not so fast. You forgot to schedule something in there…
It’s the unexpected stuff. You forgot to turn in a report or read a memo. That could make you late..sure
And of course…other people’s problems. I’ve learned that THIS is the thing I need to schedule into my calendar if I want to get out on time. Someone forgot to turn something in to you, or they want you to re-do something you’ve already done.
And…if you’re smart, you literally put it on your calendar early in the day. So that when people come to you at 3, you can show them that they unfortunately missed that part of the day…that was from 8:30-9. You scheduled a whole half hour for them. It’s not YOUR fault if they missed it!
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