What Does It Mean To Dress For Success When Looking For A Job?
I had a very interesting conversation with a McKinley High School teacher when she called to make a suggestion that we give out a few tips to those listeners who might be attending the Western New York Diversity Job Fair September 16 at the Buffalo Convention Center between 9am and 2pm.
In an effort to get job seekers out to the job fair, we often mention things like: “Come Dressed for Success”, “Bring Lots of Resumes”, “Come find the Job you’ve been looking for”! In the process of mentioning these things we/I have to remember that some of these job seekers do not truly know or understand what it means when we say “come dressed for success” for instance. This doesn’t mean come there with sagging pants and chains hanging from the neck!
One would think that if a person did not know how to dress appropriately then maybe they should not be even considered for some of the jobs that are being offered at the job fair. As our conversation continued the teacher shared with me that how society has really conditioned our young men and women into believing that dressing professional is in no way of wearing say a button down shirt and khaki pant.
So to everyone that maybe attending the Western New York Diversity Job Fair, it is very important that you make it a point to dress for success beyond what you would normally wear in your everyday attire!