When several feet of snow hit us hard in Buffalo, thousands of Western New Yorkers were cooped up inside their homes, just waiting for the storm to pass. What the heck are we supposed to do when we’re stuck inside for (at least) three days?

Well, besides taking some intermittent shoveling breaks, I kept myself pretty busy while cooped up indoors, thanks to my obsession with Fret Zealot.

I keep thinking how much I wished the technology for Fret Zealot existed when I was a kid. Winter boredom can be a hard thing to beat for parents and their kids, and I can’t tell you how many times I wasted away the day on Christmas and Winter break parked in front of the TV because it was too cold to go outside. If Fret Zealot existed back then, I could be Taylor Swift by now!

(OK, no one will ever be comparable to the legendary Queen that is Taylor Swift … Fret Zealot does offer a tutorial on her song "Love Story," though. But I digress.).

Fret Zealot (from right here in Buffalo, New York, by the way) makes it easy and, frankly, addicting to learn how to play guitar. Think of it like Netflix for music lessons - they offer over 3,000 lessons and over 100 digital courses taught by world-class instructors. Between that and their constantly growing library of over 80,000 songs you can learn, it’s easy to beat the winter boredom blues with Fret Zealot.

The hands-down best feature Fret Zealot offers is its interactive LED light system that pairs with its digital lessons and courses. The hardware fits right over the frets of your guitar and literally lights up to show you exactly where to place your fingers to play the notes and chords. It’s crazy! And if you don’t already own a guitar, you can get one with the LED system already installed in their amazing online store.

If you’ve been looking for a way to keep the kids (or yourself) occupied during this long, boring Buffalo winter - Fret Zealot is the ticket!

Unleash your inner rockstar this winter and learn guitar with light by checking out FretZealot.com. It's a great gift idea for all ages, too!

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