9 Things To Do That Will Make You Feel Like A Tourist In WNY
There's a good chance that tourists have done things here in WNY that locals have overlooked for years.
When we were kids, we had a lot of friends that lived out of state. We would always look forward to having them come visit in the summer because that was when we would do the "touristy" stuff that there was to do here. We almost always took a trip to Niagara Falls and then across the border to Canada. We would go to Darien Lake and Letchworth State Park.
That was in the summer. What do you do with people from out of town when it's winter here?
It doesn't even have to be to entertain your out-of-town guests. What is the last time you did some of these very "touristy" things yourself? You don't need to wait for company to enjoy the historical sites, the food, the entertainment we have here.
And there's a good chance that if you give some of these things a try, it might be a first for you. We often tend to do the same things we've done over and over again, but trying new things, or even the same things in the winter will give them a whole new feel.
Summertime is super busy. Before you know it, you're going to have a crazy schedule and a calendar that is filled with family reunions, sports events, and more. Now is the time to try some of these things out so that next time you have company come in from out of town you'll have something new to show them!