Unique Fitness Classes Are Coming To Canalside
Doing this on a regular basis can help you relieve stress and promote health and wellness, and with these bundles of joys, it’s pretty much impossible to leave without a smile on your face.
Did you know…more than 90 percent of people do yoga for the flexibility, stress relief, health, and/or physical fitness?
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It’s pretty remarkable when you think about it. Now how about this: studies have shown that even small interactions with dogs can cause the human brain to produce oxytocin, which increases feelings of relaxation, trust, and empathy!
That’s why this event is going to be perfect if you want to elevate your mood.
It’s called puppy yoga.
What Is Puppy Yoga?
Puppy Yoga is an hour long yoga session, held at Dart Lawn at Canalside. The yoga begins at 6 PM with instruction by Soma Cura yoga, featuring puppies from Buffalo Underdogs Rescue.
And the best part? All the dogs are available for adoption, so if you really fall in love with one, you can take him/her home and do yoga with them all the time!
In a way, puppy yoga takes after goat yoga.
What is Goat Yoga?
Goat yoga is relatively new. It was started up in 2016 by a woman named Lainey Morse, and it wasn’t intended to be a global phenomenon.
Lainey was simply trying to keep morale up after being diagnosed with an incurable autoimmune disease and going through a divorce. She always loved goats, so she drew inspiration from six of those cuties and that’s when the Original Goat Yoga was born.
When Are The Puppy Yoga Classes?
Puppy yoga classes will return to canalside on August 8th and August 29th, both days starting at 6 PM. If you are interested in goat yoga, there will be a class at canalside on August 19th at 10 AM.