A Ukranian zoo owner has decided to live his life on the other side of the bars for a couple weeks and move in with the lions that live in his zoo.

His name is Alexander Pylyshenko and he's moving in with a pride of lions who reside in his zoo for five weeks.  He'll be fed through the bars at the same time as the lions and he'll sleep in the cages with them.

The living conditions will be absolutely the same for Katya, Samson and me. We will sleep on wooden floorboards and have food given to us through bars,” said Aleksandr. “There will be four webcams planted in the cage. They will provide both experimental integrity and broadcast the ‘reality show’ on the internet,”

He's also an artist who plans to use his talents to paint pictures of the lions while he's there.  Those pictures will then be auctioned off to make money for the zoo.

There will be 4 webcams on the enclosure while he's there so we can all watch on the internet.  I'm not too sure I want to see that footage.  I can picture this going very badly very quickly.

[People Daily]

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