Zoom lifting Time Restrictions For Thanksgiving Day
With the Governor issuing the guideline for no more than 10 people at one house for Thanksgiving, a lot of Western New Yorkers will turn to technology to be with family.
If you plan on having a Zoom call with your family this Thanksgiving, there is good news. You won't have to worry about how long you can chat.
Normally if you are using the free Zoom service, the call can only last 40 minutes, but Zoom recently announced that they are lifting that restriction for Thanksgiving.
According to Theverge.com, Zoom will not have a time restriction on Thanksgiving day.
It’s only a temporary removal of the 40-minute restriction, lasting from midnight on Thanksgiving Day (November 26th) to 6AM ET on November 27th
The 40-minute restriction is part of the Zoom basic plan. Other video-conference companies like Google Meet and Cisco Webex also have time limit restrictions on their basic services.
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