
Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let's Make Snow?
Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let's Make Snow?
Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let's Make Snow?
It's that time of the year. Where every day you know it could be there, you know it could show up, but it hasn't. Yet. Ready or not, as Ned Stark was fond of saying, "Winter's Coming." Even though the weather forecasters can't tell you exactly when, we all know it's not a matter of IF, but rather WHEN we get snow. If all the co...
Frost Advisory
Frost Advisory
Frost Advisory
After weeks of temperatures above the mid sixties and into the upper seventies at times, many people are anxious for fall. Tonight we get a little touch of it.
Water Freezes Outside
Water Freezes Outside
Water Freezes Outside
Not everyone deals with the cold temperatures the same.  It really does effect some of us more than others.  We tend to pride ourselves on how we handle the subzero temperatures and deep snows of winter here in Buffalo.  But some people don't get these extreme conditions as often.
Making You Cold
Making You Cold
Making You Cold
I've lived in Western New York my entire life.  I've been through the October storm and Snowvember and this year I have felt colder than ever.  Is it really that much colder now than it was when I was a kid?  According to, there are a few things that could be adding to that chill.
It Gets Cold Here, But Nothing Like These Places!
It Gets Cold Here, But Nothing Like These Places!
It Gets Cold Here, But Nothing Like These Places!
With the wind and the rain and the cold temperatures, it was pretty nasty over the weekend. Some areas saw some snow. It’s a reminder that winter is close. We’re known nationally for some pretty nasty winters, but our weather doesn't come close to what people in some other parts of the world experience.
Cheap Cold Fix
Cheap Cold Fix
Cheap Cold Fix
I’ve been struggling thru a cold this week and a friend e-mailed me an article on the virtues of honey and its amazing healing power. And it was suggested a combination of honey and cinnamon does wonders to get rid of a cold. The recommendation is take one tablespoon of lukewarm honey with ¼ tablespoon of cinnamon powder for three days. It’ll cure chronic cough, get rid of the dold and clear the s
Best Home Remedies For a Cold or Flu
Best Home Remedies For a Cold or Flu
Best Home Remedies For a Cold or Flu
It’s that time again, cold and flu season.  I’ve been lucky so far (knock on wood) and haven’t had a major cold or caught the flu but I’m thinking my luck will run out at some point.  I’m not one to stock up on over the counter medicines when I’m sick, I just fight through with rest lots of liquids and sleep usually.